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327408: Племя Сан, Намибия
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Племя Сан, Намибия

, Африка, Бушменленд, бушмены, койсанские, Намибия, Сан, бисером заставку, бусины, цветная фотография, этнической группы, экстерьер, лицо, девушки, оголовье, головной убор, headshot, человеческое существо, gatherer охотника, глядя на камеру, колье, украшение, на открытом воздухе, за пределами, люди, лицо, портрет, площади, квадратный рисунок, стоя, традиционный орнамент, племенных, племя

Дата размещения: 2014-07-06

Объект съемки: 08. Жизнь человека, жизнь народов, Народы и нации, 07. Мировая География (Страны мира, природа, знаменательные места), Страны (Алфавитный список), Местные обычаи, Kоренное население, Намибия

Географическое положение: Африка, Намибия

Автор: GeoPhoto / Eric Lafforgue

Формат оригинала: Digital    

Стиль: Гео-репортаж (города и страны)

Ключевые слова: , gatherer охотника, headshot, Африка, Бушменленд, Намибия, Сан, бисером заставку, бусины, бушмены, глядя на камеру, головной убор, девушки, за пределами, квадратный рисунок, койсанские, колье, лицо, лицо, люди, на открытом воздухе, оголовье, племенных, племя, площади, портрет, стоя, традиционный орнамент, украшение, цветная фотография, человеческое существо, экстерьер, этнической группы
Ключевые слова (eng): Africa, Bushmanland, Bushmen, Khoisan, Namibia, San, beaded headband, beads, color photo, ethnic group, exterior, face, female, headband, headdress, headshot, human being, hunter gatherer, looking at camera, necklace, ornament, outdoors, outside, people, person, portrait, square, square picture, standing, traditional ornament, tribal, tribe, 2066

Племя Сан, Намибия © Eric Lafforgue

Дополнительная информация: San (also called Bushmen) are an ethnic group of South West Africa. They live in the Kalahari Desert across the borders of Botswana, Namibia, Angola and South Africa. Most of the 100,000 San people live in Botswana (around 55,000) but about 25,000 live in Namibia. The San have a foraging lifestyle based on the hunting of wild animals (usually with bows and poison arrows and spears) and the gathering of veld food. The fact they are hunter gatherers accounts for their nomadic way of life. Their lifestyle is particularly adapted to the hard conditions of the Kalahari Desert. They know where waterholes are located and carry water in ostrich eggshells. They drink water from roots and tubers they find by digging the ground. The San are intelligent trackers and know the habits of their prey. they hunt game of all sizemice, buffalos, antelopes, and even giraffes sometimes. They also eat various types of insects especially during the dry season. Sans are part of the Khoisan language peoples (including the herding tribe of the Khoikhoi) who speak a language based on click sounds (consonants), made with specific moves of the tongue.? Naming Their is a debate about these people should be called as the term of San didn't used to be used by San people themselves as they didn't use to apprehend themselves as unified ethnic group. Indeed there is a various array of San subgroups. But this issue also arose because the words of San and Bushman (coming from the dutch word Bosjes Man) also have been used by outsiders (european settlers in particular) to refer to them, often with pejorative connotations. The different San language groups of Namibia met in late 1996 and agreed to use the general term San to designate them externally. This word was historically applied by their ethnic relatives and historic rivals, the Khoikhoi. This term meaning outsider in the Nama language (the language of the Khoikhois), enables the distinction between Bushmen from what the Khoikhoi called themselves, the First People. Social organization Traditonnally San populations were all subdivided into hunting bands (about 30 people) controlled by headmen. They have poorly defined leadership institutions and they counter the development of a power hierarchy by giving preference to an egalitarian community. Indeed San society is egalitarian as there are no specific social status neither for women nor young people, work is shared and done in community. Their nomadic lifestyle involves that the concept of personal property is minimal as nature provides for most of their needs (shelter, tools, weapons, clothes, food). History San people are considered as the original inhabitants of Southern Africa and are supposed to have lived in the area for at least 20,000 years, although anthropologists are not able to date their settlement precisely. This is all the more difficult as the oral litterature of the San did not include historical accounts and until recently none of their languages were written down.?Before the San hunters came in contact with Bantu cattle own

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